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Are you looking for an EU career?

Below you can find job vacancies for temporary staff in the EU institutions, bodies and agencies.
Find out more about these categories and the procedures you need to follow if you want to apply for them on our How to apply page.

Please note that below you will find only a selection of current job opportunities.
We also invite you to visit the job pages of the EU institutions and bodies and the EU job portal of the EU Agency Network (EUAN).

We also invite you to read the short guide on CV writing, prepared by the Council of the European Union.

EPSO is the host of this webpage. However, the content published on this webpage is the sole responsibility of the EU institutions and bodies concerned. Any questions regarding the job vacancies published on this webpage should be addressed to the relevant services of the EU institutions and bodies concerned.

Stillingsbetegnelse Domain(s) Grade Institution/EU body Location(s) Publication date Sortér stigende Deadline
Programansvarlig Videnskab og forskning AD 6 Fællesforetagendet for ren luftfart Bruxelles (Belgien)
Events Organiser Europæisk offentlig forvaltning AST 3 Eurojust – Den Europæiske Unions Agentur for Strafferetligt Samarbejde Haag (Nederlandene)
Administratorer Menneskelige ressourcer AD 7 EU-Domstolen Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Assistant Jura AST 3 EU-Domstolen Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Assistant Europæisk offentlig forvaltning FG III Myndigheden for Europæiske Politiske Partier og Europæiske Politiske Fonde Bruxelles (Belgien)
Økonomiassistent Budget, Finances and Contracts FG III Fællesforetagendet for et cirkulært biobaseret Europa Bruxelles (Belgien)
Administratorer Jura AD 5 EU-Domstolen Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Projektmedarbejder Videnskab og forskning AD 6 Fællesforetagendet for ren luftfart Bruxelles (Belgien)
Assistenter/sekretærer Translation AST 1, FG II Rådet for Den Europæiske Union Bruxelles (Belgien)
Assistant Støttepersonale FG III Fællesforetagendet for ren brint Bruxelles (Belgien)