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Logoul Comisiei Europene

Ce se întâmplă după ce îmi depun candidatura?

Question categories:

The recruiting services will search the database of all registered candidates and shortlist a certain number of candidates who fit the specific needs of the service. Make sure to update your application every six months in order to remain visible and searchable in the database.

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited, via their EPSO Account, to book and sit a selection test organised by EPSO.

Check your EPSO account at least every three calendar days. If shortlisted, on the day of the opening of the booking period, you will receive an invitation to book a test date. In general, the link to the booking page will only be active for several days. You will be able to select a test date from a range of suggested dates immediately following the period of booking.

The indicative dates of the booking and testing periods are published on the profiles’ pages on our web site.

If you fail to book and/or sit the test appointment or if you cancel the booking, you will not be automatically invited again to sit the same test. You might be preselected at a later stage for another opportunity.

The recruiting services are in charge of searching and preselecting candidates. EPSO is only responsible for inviting candidates to book the tests and for the organisation of the reasoning tests.